Ingen varer
Dudao - Øreproptelefoner med mik. - ørespids - kabling - USB-C - 1.2 meter - hvid
Unlike traditional,circular earbuds,the design of the Apple EarPods is defined by the geometry of the ear,which makes them more comfortable for more people than any other earbud-style headphone.
maXlife Wired Earphones White in-ear – MXEP-02 – med mic
Dudao U18 - Ægte trådløse øretelefoner - I øret - Bluetooth 5.1
Sony MDR-EX15AP, Binaural, In-ear, Sort, Kabel, Intraaural, 8 - 22000 Hz
Dudao U18 - Ægte trådløse øretelefoner - I øret - Bluetooth 5.1
Samsung EO-IC100, Headset, I ørerne, Calls/Music, Hvid, Binaural, Knap
Samsung EO-IC100, Headset, I ørerne, Calls/Music, Sort, Binaural, Knap